Analyze the Results:
Analyzing the results to see if they are scientifically significant requires a little math and perhaps the aid of a calculator, so perform this part carefully. Here's how to calculate the results of your test.
1.Calculate your odds of being correct. Because there are five different symbols to choose from, the odds of guessing a card correctly strictly by chance is 1 in 5... or 1/5 = .2.
2.Write down the total number of guesses made. We'll call this number g. (For our example, let's say g = 100 guesses.)
3.Write down the number of right guesses that the subject made. We'll call this number r. (For our example, let's say r = 28 right guesses.)
4.Calculate the average score by multiplying the number of guesses made by .2... or g x .2 (For example, 100 x .02 = 20) We'll call this number a.
5.Calculate the result of: 1 minus your odds of being correct... or 1 - .2 = .8
6.Now multiply this result by your odds of being correct... or .8 x .2 = .16 We'll call this number b.
7.Now multiply this result by the total number of guesses made... or b x g (For example, .16 x 100 = 16) We'll call this result c.
8.Use a calculator to figure the square root of c. (For example, the square root of 16 = 4). We'll call this number s.
9.Now subtract the average score from the number of right guesses... or r - a. (For example, 28 - 20 = 8). We'll call this number d.
10.Finally, divide this result by s... or d/s. (For example, 8/4 = 2) We'll call this number m.
11.m is your magic number - what the statisticians call the "critical ratio."
•If m is less than or equal to 1.96, the results are considered not very significant.
•If m is above 2.58, the results are considered significant.
•If m is above 3, the results are considered very significant.
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